Workshop programmes now online

Please refer to the individual websites for details on each workshop.

For context, see  For further details, follow links for each workshop. 

See the Workshop Guidelines page for details on registration, timelines, EasyChair, workshop dinners, etc.


Pre-FLoC workshops (Saturday 7 – Sunday 8 July)


32nd International Workshop on Unification (UNIF 2018), 7 July

7th International Workshop on Confluence (IWC 2018), 7 July

7th International Workshop on Classical Logic and Computation (CL&C 2018), 7 July

Higher-Dimensional Rewriting and Algebra, 7 July

International Workshop on Logical Frameworks and Meta-Languages: Theory and Practice, 7 July

Pragmatics of SAT, 7 July

Twenty Years of Deep Inference, 7 July

10th International Workshop on Computing with Terms and Graphs (TERMGRAPH 2018), 7 July

Syntax and Semantics of Low-Level Languages (LOLA 2018), 7 July

9th Workshop on Higher Order Rewriting (HOR 2018), 7 July

5th Workshop on Natural Language and Computer Science (NLCS’18), 7 July

2018 Joint Workshop on Linearity & TLLA (5th International Workshop on Linearity and 2nd Workshop on Trends in Linear Logic and Applications), 7-8 July

Workshop on Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations, 7-8 July

Game Semantics 25, 7-8 July

Workshop on Proof Complexity (PC 2018), 7-8 July

Programming And Reasoning on Infinite Structures (PARIS) 7-8 July

6th Workshop on Strategic Reasoning (SR 2018), 7-8 July

Workshop in honour of Dana Scott’s 85th birthday and 50 years of domain theory, 7-8 July

7th Workshop on Mathematically Structured Functional Programming (MSFP 2018), 8 July

5th International Workshop on Rewriting Techniques for Program Transformations and Evaluation (WPTE 2018), 8 July

The Coq Workshop 2018, 8 July

International Workshop on Quantified Boolean Formulas and Beyond, 8 July

5th International Workshop on Graphical Models for Security (GraMSec 2018), 8 July

Women in Logic 2018, 8 July

9th Workshop on Intersection Types and Related Systems (ITRS 2018), 8 July

Coalgebra Now, 8 July

12th International Workshop on Developments in Computational Models (DCM 2018), 8 July

IFIP Working Group 1.6: Rewriting, 8 July

Workshop on Foundations of Computer Security (FCS 2018), 8 July

2nd Logic Mentoring Workshop, 8 July


Mid-FLoC workshops (Wednesday 11 – Saturday 14 July)

Satisfiability Checking and Symbolic Computation: Bridging Two Communities to Solve Real Problems (SC^2 2018), 11 July

IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems (ADHS 2018), 11-13 July

16th International Workshop on Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT 2018), 12-13 July

CAV Tutorials, 13 July

7th Workshop on Logic and Systems Biology, 13 July

Isabelle Workshop, 13 July

25th RCRA International Workshop on Experimental evaluation of algorithms for solving problems with combinatorial explosion, 13 July

5th Workshop on Formal Reasoning in Distributed Algorithms (FRIDA 2018), 13 July

5th Vampire Workshop (Vampire 2018), 13 July

19th Workshop on Logic and Computational Complexity, 13 July

5th Workshop on Horn Clauses for Verification and Synthesis (HCVS 2018), 13 July

Workshop on Learning and Automata (LearnAut 2018), 13 July

1st International Workshop on Multi-objective Reasoning in Verification and Synthesis, 13 July

Workshop on Modular Knowledge (Tetrapod), 13 July

First Workshop on Automated Deduction for Separation Logics (ADSL 2018), 13 July

Runtime Verification for Rigorous Systems Engineering, 13 July

13th International Workshop on User Interfaces for Theorem Provers (UITP 2018), 13 July

Summit on Machine Learning Meets Formal Methods, sponsored by the Alan Turing Institute, 13 July

Verification and Deduction Mentoring Workshop, 13 July

4th Workshop on Formal Integrated Development Environment (F-IDE 2018), 14 July

16th Overture Workshop: New Capabilities and Applications for Mode-based Systems Engineering, 14 July

FLoC Industry Session, 14 July

FLoC Olympic Games, 14 July


Post-FLoC workshops (Wednesday 18 – Thursday 19 July)

18th Refinement Workshop, 18 July

1st International Workshop on Parallel Logical Reasoning, 18 July

7th Workshop on Synthesis (SYNT 2018), 18 July

Theorem Prover Components for Educational Software (ThEdu 2018), 18 July

TLA+ Community Event 2018, 18 July

Workshop on Answer Set Programming and Other Computing Paradigms (ASPOCP 2018), 18 July

ICLP DC 2018: 14th Doctoral Consortium (DC) on Logic Programming (ICLP – DC 2018), 18 July

3rd International Workshop on Automated Reasoning in Quantified Non-Classical Logics (ARQNL 2018), 18 July

Workshop on Logic and Practice of Programming (LPoP 2018), 18 July

The LaSh 2018 Workshop on Logic and Search, 18 July

11th International Workshop on Numerical Software Verification (NSV-XI), 18 July

International Workshop on the Verification and Validation of Autonomous Systems (VaVAS), 18-19 July

16th International Workshop on Termination (WST 2018), 18-19 July

MLP18: Machine Learning for Programming, 18-19 July

10th Working Conference on Verified Software: Theories, Tools and Experiments, 18-19 July

18th International Workshop on Automated Verification of Critical Systems (AVOCS 2018), 18-19 July

Logics for Reasoning about Preferences, Uncertainty, and Vagueness (PRUV 2018), 19 July

International Workshop on External and Internal Calculi for Non-Classical Logics, 19 July

Robots, Morality, and Trust through the Verification Lens, 19 July

6th Workshop on the Practical Aspects of Automated Reasoning (PAAR 2018), 19 July

Verification of Engineered Molecular Devices and Programs (VEMDP 2018), 19 July

Submission deadline 15th April 2018.  Notifications sent 15th May 2018.